

Pick a role or create your own; here are some suggestions of how you can help Save The Republic.


Roles are simply guidelines to make it easier for you to understand how you can help. You’ll likely span many roles, if not all, these roles as a member of Save The Republic.

The Fact Checker

  • Use our Resources to counter lies on social media, blogs, news articles, Etc

The Writer

  • Expand content in the Resources section of Confluence

  • Create blog posts cataloging our efforts for the public at large

  • Aid in the creation of content for microsites that contain targeted content

The Promoter

  • Spread the word about Save The Republic

  • Share our Charter everywhere

  • Encourage existing members to share our principles, vision, and values

The Campaign Manager

  • Handle marketing campaigns meant to spread facts across social media and other mediums

  • Recruit promoters to push your campaigns to the next level

The Technologist

  • Make contributions to our open-source projects

  • Share novel ways of countering misinformation with technology

The Strategist

  • Help formulate strategies for effective ways to counter misinformation

  • Bring strategy to life with the help of fellow members

The Administrator

  • Help with management of our accounts like social media, infrastructure, etc.

  • Coordinate with The Writer to ensure the quality of documentation, blog post, etc.