The Reality Base

The Reality Base

In political profiles, we learn about political influencers.


Healthy societies need a reality-based community. The Reality Base is a response to the current state of governments that promote liars and confidence trickers.


  1. Decentralized data with a combination of Crypto & Bittorrent or variants to eliminate centralized responsibility.

  2. Public Blockchain ledgers with profiles & claims

  3. Anonymous crypto wallet transactions with no central money store.

Core Product Principles

  1. Provide verifiable profiles — High-integrity records with an audit trail.

  2. Provide adequate information — Just enough to make informed decisions.

  3. We produce no original content — Content is curated from specialized and reputable organizations.

  4. Serve the reality-based community — The truth will set us free.

  5. Leave validation to experts — Our data is not responsible for the validity of claims made by external sources.

    1. A web page listing how STR meets its responsibilities.

Core Requirements

  1. Fact-checked sources provide information on political influencers.

  2. It is decentralized to allow deployment on any computing resource.

  3. Integrate external data sources cheaply.

  4. Any outbound links provide a disclaimer.

    1. We’re not responsible for false information associated with this resource.

  5. Minimal non-controversial profile information.

    1. Full Legal Name - To identify a political influencer.

    2. Photo - To identify related content anywhere.

    3. Date of Birth - Only for identifying someone and avoiding mixups and nothing more.

    4. Current & Past Residence - We want to know how invested a political influencer is in various contexts.

    5. Terms in office - We want to understand how politically active they are.

  6. Political titles — To gauge their level of influence.

    1. Example: Senate Majority Leader

    2. Political Affiliation — To understand their principles & values.

  7. Potentially controversial profile information.

    1. Influence score - To understand whether or not it’s worth learning about them in the first place.

    2. Integrity score - To know how well they adhere to their principles and values.

  8. Family Tree - To understand who they are.


Future Requirements

  1. Provide this information in future versions.

    1. Any public donations.

    2. Links to voting record page on congress.gov - To understand how well they adhere to their principles and values.

    3. Public litigation records for lawsuits.

    4. Organization affiliations.

  2. Help people form opinions about candidates by curating content from various sources.

    1. Allow commenting on posted content like StackOverflow, which we may be able to use.

    2. People who preceded a particular political candidate

    3. Congressional committee assignments

  3. Allow people to compare profiles.

  4. Allow submission of claims associated with political influencers.

    1. The burden of proof is always on the claimant.

    2. Wikipedia is one of the claimants.

    3. Provide public aggregated records and citations for claims.

  5. Claim reviewers must meet the criteria.

  6. Only provide cross-referenced information.

    1. Display everywhere data entry occurs.

  7. Multiple people review claims and claim reviewers before going live.

    1. Reject Claims

    2. Approve Claims

    3. Etc.